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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Liferay 6.1: Setting Up Portal Service

1) Download Liferay 6.1 Bundle from http://sourceforge.net/projects/lportal/files/Liferay%20Portal/6.1.0%20GA1/liferay-portal-tomcat-6.1.0-ce-ga1-20120106155615760.zip/download 

2) Unzip it. (at the time of this writing, the bundle name is “liferay-portal-6.1.0-ce-ga1”)

3) Delete all folders under <Liferay-Home>/tomcat7.x.x/webapps/, except for the folder ROOT.

4) Navigate to <Liferay-Home>/tomcat7.x.x/bin/ to run the Tomcat Server.

4.1) Double-click on startup.bat(on a windows machine), or

4.2) Run the following command “sh startup.sh” (on a *nix based machine).

5) If Windows Firewall warning pops out, click “Allow Access”.

6)  You shall see the following output in console window; the whole output may take sometime to come out completely.

7) Open a browser of your choice, and enter the url “http:localhost:8080”. It may take up to few minutes before the main page appear as below. 

7.1) Take note that this Liferay system is currently running using Hypersonic (Default Database) and is not recommended for production use. Click “Finish Configuration”.

8) You get the message “Your configuration was saved successfully”. Click “Go to My Portal”.

9) You get the “Welcome” page.

10) If you click (Sign Out), you shall get the following window.

11) To Shut Down the server, Navigate to <Liferay-Home>/tomcat7.x.x/bin/ and Double-click on startup.bat

12) Once the server has shut down, the localhost is not available anymore.

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