How To Create Portable JDK
1) Download JDK
Download to your local folder.
2) Extract Tools.zip folder
Use 7zip to extract the tools.zip to your target folder
Rename the folder (optional).
3) Setup the tools
Run Cmd Windows.
Go into the target folder (e.g. cd c:\a\jboss\jdk)
Then, type the command to extract the tools.
for /R %f in (.\*.pack) do @"c:\a\jboss\jdk\bin\unpack200" -r -v -l "" "%f" "%~pf%~nf.jar"
You can test by typing java -version.
1) https://www.whitebyte.info/programming/java/how-to-install-a-portable-jdk-in-windows-without-admin-rights
2) http://oramack.blogspot.my/2015/08/portable-jdk-8.html
thanks for the tutorial. newer versions of JDK exe does not follow this .. any idea how to make it portable?