This guide is rather technical. If you just want to try out SQLite without having to know the technical parts of it, read this tutorial,
1) Browse
Look for Precompiled Binaries for Windows
2) Download the following:
3) Put the files in appropriate folder, example:
a) C:\sqlite
Note: Having a specific folder at root makes it easy for you to link the path to other applications. Practical for application developer. You need to register this path to Windows System Environment to allow Windows to recognize SQLite command.
b) C:\Program Files (x86)\sqlite
Note: It is common to keep all application programs in "Program Files". Practical for the application end-user. You need to register this path to Windows System Environment to allow Windows to recognize SQLite command.
c) C:\Windows\System32
Note: Keeping the files in "C:\Windows\System32" allows the Windows automatically find the sqlite3 program when you run Console Command.
4) Assuming that you have saved the files to appropriate directory and performed necessary steps to register the path to Windows Environment Variable, you will get sqlite prompt when you type sqlite3 in the Command Prompt.
This is a screen example if you follow step 3C.
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